week 40/52 in 2021

Andreas Waldburger
2 min readOct 10, 2021



theory class

What does mean the “Inter” Interaction Design?

Interaction, Action in between, intersection, intersectionality, clash of two sides. All that is resonating when I hear Interaction. Together.

Through the talk of Kimberlé Crenshaw on intersectionality a new idea opened up for me.

When we talk about intersectionality or interaction we think of two parts clashing into another, intersection of two groups with different goals but the same opponent. But for this to happen there first has to be a distinction of two groups out of the rest, without this first step we wouldn’t get an intersection. I think it’s important to recognise the exclusion which happens beforehand when talking and designing for intersectionality.

the free flow seminar

We had the beautiful opportunity to take a retreat in the ateliers am waldrand. There we gave our ideas, hopes and beliefs a place to materialise. We made space in our full time schedules to breathe, walk and let the thoughts buzzing. I learned one more time that it’s important to share even if things aren’t finished and perfect. Through talking, drawing and thinking about the things shared new possibilities emerge. Potential can be uncovered and used.

The main road I’m going to take for my thesis is Feedback inside the Design Process and try to improve the space in which feedback is given. Maybe Clash the conventional feedback round with the idea of decentralisation and look what emerges from this exchange.

thinking, talking, reading, also a bit of daydreaming in the ateliers



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